FREE: Exclusive round table
Lin Health webinar

The truth about fibromyalgia & how to heal from it

One of the best ways to learn the truth about fibromyalgia recovery is to sit down for an honest back-and-forth conversation with a healthcare provider who gets it. That's what this round table discussion is all about.

The truth about fibromyalgia & how to heal from it

Oct 26th, 1 pm EST

The truth about fibromyalgia & how to heal from it

What to expect:

A live and intimate, round table-style discussion with Abigail Hirsch, a pain psychologist and co-founder of Lin Health


Oct 26th, 1 pm EST


Sign up for free - you'll receive a link to join right before we begin


It's time to learn the simple truth. You can take steps to begin lifting yourself out of fibro’s grip and start living the life you were born to live.

Watch the recording right here:

The truth about fibromyalgia & how to heal from it

What to expect:

A live and intimate, round table-style discussion with Abigail Hirsch, a pain psychologist and co-founder of Lin Health


Oct 26th, 1 pm EST


Sign up for free - you'll receive a link to join right before we begin


It's time to learn the simple truth. You can take steps to begin lifting yourself out of fibro’s grip and start living the life you were born to live.

About your hosts

About your host

Abigail Hirsch, PhD

Abigail Hirsch, PhD

Pain Psychologist & Co-founder

Abigail is a clinical psychologist who specializes in creating digital products that transform lives. She built the first-ever digital relationship support program, Power of Two. As Chief Clinical Officer at myStrength, she helped lead the creation of a digital behavioral health program that was acquired by TeleDoc. Abigail has 4 boys, owns every type of ball from base to moth, and loves to take her bright orange beach bike tooling around in the fields behind her house.

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Hang in there

This event will begin on Oct 26th, 1 pm EST
This webinar has ended.

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