Mantra Meditation for Pain Reprocessing
Lin Pain Recovery Coach Anna Maher leads a Mantra Meditation aimed at calming the nervous system and facilitating pain recovery. Mantra meditation is one of many soothing practices used as a part of Lin Health’s approach to chronic pain. The practice uses a mantra (chosen word or phrase) to defuse stressful thoughts contributing to your pain experience, and to reorient the mind towards safety.

What to expect:
Coach Anna will lead attendees through a Mantra Meditation exercise, which is used as a part of pain reprocessing to reorient one’s attention when it has wandered into negative and unhelpful places. For many of us with pain histories, our minds can become hyper-focused on our symptoms, keeping us in a perpetual anxiety loop that drives the Fear-Pain-Fear cycle. In this state of hyper-focus on symptoms, fear thoughts can dominate, and work to sabotage our recovery process. Mantra meditation helps make us more resilient to negative and fearful thoughts, refocusing our attention away from these unhelpful thought patterns towards more productive ones. And, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to reduce the intensity of pain signals in the whole body. Join to see what Mantra Meditation is like, and to get a taste of Lin’s approach to chronic pain recovery.
The session will cover:
- Fear thoughts, and how these can drive chronic pain
- Mantra Meditation and how it is incorporated into Lin’s pain recovery approach
- Q&A with Abigail Hirsch, pain psychologist and Lin Co-Founder
Watch the recording right here:

What to expect:
Coach Anna will lead attendees through a Mantra Meditation exercise, which is used as a part of pain reprocessing to reorient one’s attention when it has wandered into negative and unhelpful places. For many of us with pain histories, our minds can become hyper-focused on our symptoms, keeping us in a perpetual anxiety loop that drives the Fear-Pain-Fear cycle. In this state of hyper-focus on symptoms, fear thoughts can dominate, and work to sabotage our recovery process. Mantra meditation helps make us more resilient to negative and fearful thoughts, refocusing our attention away from these unhelpful thought patterns towards more productive ones. And, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to reduce the intensity of pain signals in the whole body. Join to see what Mantra Meditation is like, and to get a taste of Lin’s approach to chronic pain recovery.
The session will cover:
- Fear thoughts, and how these can drive chronic pain
- Mantra Meditation and how it is incorporated into Lin’s pain recovery approach
- Q&A with Abigail Hirsch, pain psychologist and Lin Co-Founder
About your hosts
About your host

Abigail Hirsch, PhD
Abigail is a clinical psychologist who specializes in creating digital products that transform lives. She built the first-ever digital relationship support program, Power of Two. As Chief Clinical Officer at myStrength, she helped lead the creation of a digital behavioral health program that was acquired by TeleDoc. Abigail has 4 boys, owns every type of ball from base to moth, and loves to take her bright orange beach bike tooling around in the fields behind her house.